From power emblem...

Where QK Costa58 Home Tower is now, there originally was a Tower House, the medieval residence of a powerful Florentine family. Indeed, in the 13th century only the most prestigious families of Guelphs and Ghibellines - the two rival factions in Florence at the time, the former pro-Pope, the latter pro-Emperor – could afford such prestigious housing. The higher the tower, the more influential the owner. Today our building majestically stands out against the Florence skyline...

...To extraordinary every-day

In the second half of the 13th century a city council ordinance decreed the dismantling or the reduction of the towers’ heights in Florence. The original majesty of our tower was thus diminished, but the building has preserved the charm of the ancient glories. The prestige of past times echoes today in our exclusive apartments in the Oltrarno.

Privileged views on the city

History and wonder entwine on the upper floors of QK Costa58 Home Tower: from here, you will dominate the entire city at a glance. Breathe in fully the Renaissance art, experience the splendour of the Florentine Signoria, explore the cradle of innumerable geniuses and inspired intellectuals. In our apartments with a view, reality goes well beyond imagination.

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Travel impressions

Extremely original structure, truly beautiful. From the Camino apartment, a breath-taking view.

Livio –